Pssst! & Material Decisions

Pssst! in collaboration with Mark Harvey

In the performance Pssst! we allowed the spectators to take over our performance. We didn’t walk or talk, but we engaged in conversation with small utterances and let the spectators move us around the space. We were standing still on boards with wheels. Spectators had the opportunity to push us around. We made verbal utterances that responded to being pushed. Pssst! explored what happens if an audience physically controls the performers and manipulators of the soundscape, whereby spectators also become the performers.

  • They Come From Far Away Festival, Te Uru Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand 2016
  • Live Art for Kids festival, Aalborg, Denmark 2016

Material Decisions in collaboration with Mark Harvey

The performance Material Decisions considered the community atmosphere at a New Lynn night market in Auckland, New Zealand by giving audience performance scores together with different vegetables and various other food products.

  • They Come From Far Away Festival, New Lynn Night Market, Auckland, New Zealand 2016