The series of postcards that form the work titled Greetings from Places I Never Wanted to Visit (2023) by Leena Kela were mailed to the Hobusepea gallery during the months of July and August in 2023. The postcards show the artist flagging with an emergency blanket at different locations that have been permanently or remarkably destroyed by human activity in order to commemorate the biodiversity losses in the areas. The postcards are a continuation of Kela’s performance Space Here we Come (2019) and video There Is No Planet B (2020) that departed from the statement by physicist-cosmologist Stephen Hawking, according to whom humans only have hundred years left on Earth and thus we should start to colonise other planets. The flagging ceremonies are making time ponder the futures of the planet Earth. How do we act when our planet is in crisis? How much time we have left here?
- Like a Windless Cloud group exhbition (curator Mariliis Rebane), Hobusepea gallery, Tallinn, Estonia 2023